Hated in the Notion

Charlie broker wrote this section as an example from his own story. in 2014, he was lynched in an article he wrote about the election. People are so curious, they're waiting for us to find someone and dig the ground out. It also has the distinction of being the longest episode of the series belonging to this episode. The episode begins with Karen's trial in court. The story is beginning to be told.

ADI is showing. Artificial intelligence-powered robots to collect pollen from flowers made after the extinction of bees. As a result of research, it is thought that humanity will Decad in 4 years if bees are not in the world, they produce synthetic bees in the department for this.

In the next scene, we are shown a victim, a journalist woman was lynched by people because of something she said. Later, the second victim comes across as an unpopular rapper, he was lynched for what he said during the TV interview he was talking about.

We see in the postmortem conversations with the people who lynched our victim that they are happy that he is dead and they don't care about the death of such a person. The first noticeable event in the episode is the manhunt on Twitter... #DeathTo, you write the person you want the most to die under the hashtag, and the one who gets the most votes dies. The point underlined here is that people can defame each other in a very simple way... in real life, too, isn't it? We are trying to finish him instantly, without giving a chance to someone who has made a mistake. Aside from the acquaintances we have personally around us, what about those we have never known? That's where social media comes in, too. Regardless of the accuracy of the claim put forward, we get involved in the incident, and suddenly we find ourselves in a boiling gossip winner. Although the people accused in the episode deserve a reaction, the punishment for this, of course, is not death! As with everything, you need to know the extent of the reaction.

When our main characters Blue and Karin, who are detectives, go to the crime scene, they find the body of the first lynched victim. As Karen approaches the event behind the traditional ki and era, we see that they have personalities who can look at Blue events from a technologically wider window.

They're showing us our vengeful victim, the death of a rapper named Tusk. Tusk, who was taken to the hospital, is inserted into the MRI, but his lifeless body comes out of the MRI, and the bee robot Decapitated with a magnet. ADI, entering through the ear canal, reaches the most sensitive points of the brain and makes people writhe in pain and kill.

When we go to the ADI company, we see that the project has been financed by the government. ADI has sensors that allow it to locate flowers, like a camera. Because they are autonomous, bees can move on their own, without needing to be managed by someone. They have even created hives where they can copy themselves. It's like a 3D printer. As they multiply, they cover the whole country!

Someone misled the hives, took over the names, and thus guided the autonomous system to wherever he wanted, taking it under his own control. With the ADI of the first victim coming out of the body, a man in charge of the government is now involved.

What our victims had in common was that they were both the people who got the most names in the patient game. The game is expanding. Choose someone you don't like If enough other people choose the same name, he'll be the one who gets defamed. The most popular target will be eliminated after 17.00 and the game starts again at midnight. They are trying to identify our third victim to the detection position and save him, but the hacker has taken over all the hives and is using all the bees to kill the victim.

It turns out that the ADI can make identification using face recognition, so while the government ADI supports these bees, they asked for all access permits for themselves, there are cameras in all adis, and with these cameras, the government monitors everyone. Of course, there are positive aspects, many crimes can be prevented early, but in reality, they are watching everyone.

Now the whole public knows the power of the patient, of course they will use it. The chosen name is the minister of finance, and as a cowardly solution, he says turn off the Internet, It's technically possible to turn off all social media, but if it's turned off, the public will realize that the patient works and they will want to kill more. Our coward is trying to assign a different issue as a solution. Let's denigrate someone else. The best way to get to know a person is to observe what that person does during critical moments.

Suddenly invisible people are starting to talk about how much they hate you. It's like a mental illness. The scene that best sums up the definition of the link. "Okay, it's true that I made a mistake, but the pleasure that people get from kicking me, that's what really destroyed me, that they just had fun.”That's what our hacker said about the suicide attempt of the woman he liked because she was lynched.

Garrett Sholes is the name of our hacker. This man, a former employee of ADI company, plans to teach the whole world a lesson over the incident that caused the woman he likes to attempt suicide, and uses ADI for this.

The people enjoy cruelty, so they think we need to get rid of them. He wants people to face the consequences of what they do and say. Then Blue and Karen solve the hacker's main purpose. They find a digital ID file with the IMEI numbers of everyone who uses the #DeathTo hashtag, that is, 387,000 people. The hacker actually wanted to kill everyone who participated in the lynching, not the lynchers, but the government did not care about this, and 387,000 people were killed in seconds.

In the last scene, Blue disappeared and gave the impression of suicide, so that he would not be thought dead himself. In fact, he was on the trail of the Blue hacker and found him, thanks to technology. Everything can be criticized. There is no topic that cannot be weighed and discussed. It should be in discussions anyway, there should be opposite ideas. People who do not question fall into fanaticism.

The episode deals with the power of social media and the Internet, the danger of anonymity, how people can use anger and hateful rhetoric just to comply on a train, and what consequences such behavior can have in real life.

One of the central themes of "Hated in the nation" is the dangers of the crowd mentality and the power of social media to amplify it. The episode raises questions about the role of technology in shaping our behavior and the potential consequences of our online actions. At the same time, it emphasizes the importance of ethical considerations in the development and use of technology.

In addition to its social commentary, "Hated in the nation" presents a story that is well processed and excites the audience until the last moment. The writing is sharp, the acting is top notch and the cinematography is amazing. This is a testament to the power of science fiction to explore complex ideas and question our assumptions about our world.

Genel olarak, "Hated in the nation" teknolojinin potansiyel tehlikeleri ve geliştirilmesi ve kullanımında etik düşüncelerin önemine dair bir uyarı hikayesi sunan "Black Mirror"ın öne çıkan bölümlerinden biridir. Bilimkurgu hayranları ve teknoloji ve toplumun kesişimiyle ilgilenen herkes için izlenmesi gereken bir yapımdır.

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Do you interpret my writing ? Perfect 💯 Nice Job 👌 I didn't know 🤷‍♂️ Could be better 😞 Awful👎

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